Another week, another month, gone without writing your blog?

Does this all sound familiar to you?

Struggling to write a monthly blog for a business can be a common challenge for many individuals. Do any of the following ring a bell with you?

  • Time constraints

  • Lack of writing skills or experience

  • Content ideation and creation

  • Maintaining consistency

  • Research and staying up-to-date

  • Editing and proofreading

Problem vs Solution

The problem:

Writing a blog requires time and effort. For busy business owners or employees, finding the time to consistently create quality content can be difficult. Other pressing business tasks and responsibilities may take precedence, leaving little time for writing.

The solution:

Delegate the task to a professional monthly blog writing service. By outsourcing your blog writing, you free up valuable time to focus on core business activities. Our service will handle the entire writing process, from topic generation to content creation, allowing you to maintain consistency without sacrificing your time.

The problem:

Not everyone feels confident in their writing abilities. Producing engaging and coherent blog posts can be a challenge, particularly if writing is not a regular part of their job. Inadequate writing skills or lack of experience can lead to frustration and self-doubt.

The solution:

Leverage the expertise of our monthly blog writing service. Our team of skilled writers has extensive experience in crafting engaging and persuasive blog posts. By entrusting us with your blog content, you benefit from professionally written, high-quality posts that effectively convey your message and resonate with your audience.

The problem:

Coming up with fresh and interesting topics for monthly blog posts can be a struggle. It can be challenging to continuously generate relevant and engaging ideas that align with the business’s objectives and target audience. This can lead to a creative block and difficulty in initiating the writing process.

The solution:

Our monthly blog writing service takes care of content ideation for you. We thoroughly research your industry, target audience, and trending topics to generate fresh and relevant ideas that align with your business objectives. By providing a steady stream of captivating topics, we ensure your blog remains interesting, informative, and valuable to your readers.

The problem:

Consistency is crucial for building an audience and maintaining their interest. Committing to a monthly blogging schedule and consistently meeting deadlines can be difficult, especially when juggling multiple business responsibilities. Lack of consistency can hinder the growth and effectiveness of the blog.

The solution:

With our monthly blog writing service, you can establish a consistent publishing schedule. We understand the importance of regular content updates and meeting deadlines. Our team adheres to a strict timeline, ensuring your blog posts are delivered on time, every time. Consistency builds trust with your audience and strengthens your brand image.

The problem:

Writing informative and valuable blog content requires research to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Staying on top of industry trends, news, and relevant topics can be time-consuming and challenging, particularly for individuals who are already occupied with various business tasks.

The solution:

Our monthly blog writing service stays abreast of industry trends and developments on your behalf. We conduct comprehensive research to provide accurate and up-to-date information in every blog post. By leveraging our expertise, you ensure your content is current, credible, and positions your business as a thought leader in your industry.

The problem:

Writing a blog post is just the initial step. Editing and proofreading are essential to ensure the content is error-free, well-structured, and engaging. However, the editing process can be tedious and time-consuming, especially for those who may not have strong editing skills.

The solution:

Our monthly blog writing service includes thorough editing and proofreading processes. Our professional editors meticulously review each blog post to ensure it is error-free, well-structured, and flows smoothly. By delivering polished and refined content, we save you the time and effort of editing, allowing you to focus on other critical business tasks.

Blog Writing Packages

Starter Blog Package
  • Number of blog posts per month = 1

  • Word count: 1,000 to 1,800 words

  • £77.00 per month without adding to your website

  • £97.00 per month with website implementation add-on

  • Blog post will be keyword researched and optimised

Advanced Blog Package
  • Number of blog posts per month = 2

  • Word count: 1,800 to 2,500 words

  • £127.00 per month without adding to your website

  • £167.00 per month with website implementation add-on

  • Blog post will be keyword researched and optimised

Premium Blog Package
  • Number of blog posts per month = 4

  • Word count: 2,500 to 4,000 words

  • £227.00 per month without adding to your website

  • £297.00 per month with website implementation add-on

  • Blog post will be keyword researched and optimised

Blogs written > More pages indexed > More traffic

Blogging with a well-defined plan can bring numerous benefits to your business. Here are some key advantages of blogging with a plan:

  • Targeted Audience Engagement

  • Improved SEO and Organic Traffic

  • Thought Leadership and Authority Building

  • Brand Awareness and Recognition

  • Lead Generation and Conversion Opportunities

  • Customer Education and Relationship Building

  • Content Repurposing and Multi-channel Distribution

  • Measurable Results and Optimisation

  • Competitive Advantage

Get in touch and let’s get started

When it comes to blogging, which category do you fall in to?

Blog Writing FAQs

Our monthly blog writing service is a subscription-based offering where we provide professionally written blog posts for your business on a regular basis. We offer various packages to cater to different content needs and frequency requirements.

We have a diverse team of skilled writers who can cover a wide range of topics and industries. Whether you’re in technology, health and wellness, finance, or any other field, we can tailor our writing to match your industry and target audience.

As your consultant, working together we can implement methods for monitoring the effectiveness of the blogs in terms of website traffic, customer responses and other key targets.

The number of blog posts you receive depends on the package you choose. We offer different plans with varying frequencies, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. You can select the package that aligns with your content goals and budget.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

Absolutely! We encourage our clients to provide topic suggestions or specific content guidelines. Our writers can work with your input to ensure that the blog posts align with your business objectives and resonate with your target audience.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

Yes, we optimise the blog posts for SEO purposes. Our writers are well-versed in SEO best practices, including keyword research, meta tags, and structuring content to improve search engine visibility. Just let us know if you have any specific SEO requirements.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

Certainly! We understand the importance of maintaining brand consistency. If you have a specific brand voice or style guidelines, we can incorporate them into the blog posts to ensure that the content aligns seamlessly with your brand identity.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

Yes, we provide a revision process to ensure your satisfaction. Once we deliver the blog posts, you’ll have the opportunity to review them and request any necessary revisions. We aim to deliver content that meets your expectations and requirements.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

Our primary focus is on providing high-quality written content. However, if you require images or graphics, we can discuss options such as using royalty-free stock images or working with your existing visual assets to enhance the blog posts.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

Yes, upon completion of the service and full payment, you will own the rights to the blog posts. You can use them as you see fit, whether it’s publishing them on your website, sharing them on social media, or repurposing them for other marketing materials.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

To get started, simply reach out to us via email or our website contact form. We’ll discuss your content needs, goals, and preferences. Once we understand your requirements, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate package and getting your monthly blog writing service underway.

Feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.

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